ECLOF's Mission/ Vision
ECLOF's Mission
Promote social justice and human dignity through microfinance.
ECLOF's Vision
While implementing its goals ECLOF UCO LLC aspires to maintain its reputation as a member of the international microfinancial network. To achieve that, the Company provides high quality financial services and consultancy to its clients.
At the same time, the Company aims at making an essential input in rural community development and poverty alleviation.
ECLOF sets the following goals of its activity.
To extend loans for solving social-economic problems, improving conditions, reinvigorating self-sustenance.
To extend loans to those private entrepreneurs and legal entities, who contribute to the establishment and development of small and medium sized business.
To extend loans to churches, church related institutions, Christian institutions and RA communities aimed at social, educational, health and other program implementation.
ECLOF's Values
Human Dignity
We respect the immeasurable value of every human life. Today inequality denies millions of people the chance to enjoy life in its fullness. We will purposefully work to enhance human dignity, so that everyone has access to the resources they need to become providers for their families, employees, churches, and communities.
Social Justice
Everyone has the right to food, education, health, a secure livelihood, and the benefits of community life. We will help our clients to reclaim those rights through earning a living, which can protect them against calamity and build confidence in their capacity to choose their own futures.
As fellow-citizens of one world, we will walk alongside our clients to listen to their concerns and work as partners with them as they act to improve their lives. At the international level, we will join, as members of the ACT Alliance, with other organizations to call for an end to the global structures and policies that perpetuate poverty and exclusion.
All men and women have a right to shape their own destinies. In our work we will support vulnerable and marginalized groups. However as women, girls, and young people are disproportionately affected by poverty, we will specifically target initiatives that promote their participation and leadership in the economic, social, and political decisions which shape their lives.