
Executive Director

Tsolak Malkhasyan    

Born on: 01.01.1984, RA

Served in the Armed Forces of RA - 2005-2007

Since 09.2023 ECLOF UCO LLC - Executive Director

01.2023 - 08.2023 - Fast Bank CJSC - Ashtarak Branch Manager

2020 - 2023 - Engaged in Entrepreneurship

2017 - 2020 - ID Bank CJSC - Echmiatsin Branch Manager

2015 - 2017 - Unibank CJSC - Azatutyun Branch Manager

2013 - 2015 - Unibank CJSC - Zvartnots Branch Manager

2011 - 2013 - Unibank CJSC - Echmiatsin Branch - Credit Officer, Deputy Branch Manager

2010 - 2011 - ECLOF UCO LLC - Crdit Officer


In 2001, he was admitted to the Yerevan State Agrarian University, from the 3rd year he continued his studies at the joint Agribusiness training center of the State Agricultural University and Texas A&M Agrarian University.


Operational Director / Deputy CEO  


Born on:  29.10.1981, Armeina

Since 11․2018 ECLOF UCO Head Office - Operational Director / Deputy CEO  

07.2018 -11․2018 ECLOF UCO Head Office - Risk Manager

10․2015 – 07․2018 FINCA UCO CJSC –Ararat Branch Manager

02.2014 - 10.2015 FINCA UCO CJSC –Ijevan  Branch Manager

09.2013 - 02.2014-FINCA UCO CJSC –Vanadzor  Branch Manager

08.2013 - 09.2013-FINCA UCO CJSC –Berd  Branch Manager

12.2012–08. 2013-FINCA UCO CJSC –Vanadzor  Branch Team Manager

02.2011–12. 2012-FINCA UCO CJSC –Vedi Representation Senior Laon Specialist

02.2010 – 02.2011-Vedi Representative Laon Specialist

2002-2007 graduated from Yerevan State Economical University Management and Finance


Chief Accountant 


Born on 17.07.1976 

Since November 25th 2013 holds the position of ECLOF UCO LLC Chief Accountant

01.03.2010-25.11.2013 held the position of ECLOF UCO LLC Board Member

2002-2010 held the position of Chief Accountant at VTB-Armenia Bank Armenia Ejmiatsin Branch

26.10.2001-03.06.2002 worked as Economist at Haykhnaybank CJSC Ejmiatsin branch

15.10.2001-26.10.2001 worked as Senior agent at Haykhnaybank CJSC Ejmiatsin branch

09.07.1999-17.11.1999 worked as specialist at Credit-Yerevan Bank Ejmiatsin Branch

In 1999 graduated from Yerevan State University the department of Applied Mathematics with the Specialty of Mathematics


Internal Auditor

Gagik Grigoryan, authorized representative of GP Management Adviser LLC

He was born on 25.05.1987. in RA,

Work experience

2022 - to date: head of internal audit of EKLOF UVC LLC

From 2015 to present, head of internal audit of Tse Kvadrat Ampega Asset Management Armenia LLC

From 2019 to today, founding director of GP Management Advisor LLC

2014-2019: Senior Manager of Grant Thornton Consulting CJSC

2010-2013: Grant Thornton Amio CJSC Senior Auditor

2008-2010: Armenian Programs LLC: Engineer Economist


2004-2008 graduated from the Department of Finance and Credit of the State University of Economics of Armenia

2008-2010 Graduated from the financial department of the Armenian-Russian Slavic University

He is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

In case of any inconsistencies between the published Armenian and English information, the Armenian version prevails. Updated: 19.06.2024 10:59